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赤潮异弯藻对中国对虾感染白斑综合症病毒的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
白斑综合症病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)是近年来危害我国乃至世界对虾养殖业的主要流行病原[1-4].WSSV病毒暴发流行范围广、致病性强,自出现以来给对虾养殖业造成了巨大的损失.对虾病毒病的发生是对虾自身的健康状况、病原生物,以及环境条件等各种因素综合作用的结果,外界环境因子或者内环境的变化会引起对虾机体抵抗力下降,从而易受病原生物的感染而发病;同时病原生物的侵入又使机体免疫能力下降而更易受环境因子的胁迫导致疾病突发,因此研究环境因子对病原生物以及对虾抗病力的影响是确保养殖业健康发展的重要环节.  相似文献   
圆尾斗鱼的胚胎和仔鱼发育的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
圆尾斗鱼的受精卵呈圆球形,光滑,略带淡黄色,浮性;卵膜吸水膨胀后的平均直径为1.19mm,当水温21-23.5℃时,从受精卵到孵化出膜需42.5小时;水温22-24.5℃时,刚出膜仔鱼到卵黄囊消失需4天,到油球消失约25天。出膜30天仔鱼的形态基本与成体相似。  相似文献   
中国蛤蜊繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合土池育苗的试验,对中国蛤蜊的繁殖习性和胚胎发育过程进行了研究。中国蛤蜊在山东省海阳市丁字湾海区的繁殖期为6~8月,7月下旬至8月上旬为产卵盛期。鲜出肉率的变化与性腺发育具有明显的相关性,产卵前达到最大,为45.3%。水温在20℃以上时性腺发育速度明显加快,23~24℃肥满度最大。可用阴干、流水或降低盐度等方法诱导其排放精卵,也可进行解剖受精。中国蛤蜊雌雄异体,个别雌雄同体。胚胎发育可在盐度18~30,温度20~28℃条件下进行,超过30℃则引起幼虫大量死亡。  相似文献   
一种新的中国对虾弧菌病原菌──产气弧菌   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
于1993年8月,从山东省昌邑县下营镇患败血病的中国对虾血淋巴内分离到多株细菌,其中2株人工感染证实为病原菌;经50多项形态,生理,生化特性测试鉴定为产气弧菌Vibiogazogenes。其主要特性为:革兰氏阴性,弧状,极生单鞭毛,产生红色素,氧化酶呈阳性,精氨酸双水解酶,赖氨酸脱羧酶,鸟氨酸脱羧酶均为阴性,淀粉酶,明胶酶为阳性,硝酸盐还原阴性,利用木糖,水杨苷,山梨醇发酵葡萄糖产气,利用柠檬酸盐  相似文献   
以海捕中国对虾亲虾(1992年4月捕)为材料,对其血淋巴中的抗菌、溶菌活力及酚氧化酶活力进行测定,并研究经注射大肠杆菌、海洋弧菌及酵母聚糖等刺激物以后,其活性的变化规律等。结果表明,适当的免疫刺激可提高对虾自身的抗病能力、为免疫药物的研制等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
94-95斫养殖对虾病毒爆发流行期间,对患病中国对虾肝胰上皮细胞和胃肌细胞进行了电镜检测,发现一种核包涵体型杆状病毒(140-160nm×280-330nm),对其装配机质的超微结构研究表明,核包涵 体型杆状病毒以核内装配为主,部分病毒基质转入胞质进行了装配。  相似文献   
The viral disease of penaeids is indistinct but highly dangerous because their symptoms are often masked by some secondary ones.In order to gain knowledge on how to prevent the occurrence and spread of this viral disease, diagnostic studies on the early phase of the hepatopancreatic parvo-like viral (HPV)disease of cultured Penaeus chinensis was conducted using immuno-serological techniques. The purification of HPV was successfully done by density gradient ultracentrifugation of cane sugar.  相似文献   
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to analyze the fingerprinting of four successive generations ofFenneropenaeus chinensis to reveal their disease-resistance traits. Some loci showed quite different genetic frequencies due to artificial selection, which implied that these fragments were putative markers related to the disease-resistance trait. We developed a simple and effective method to further characterize these AFLP fragments. Specific AFLP bands were cut directly from polyacrylamide gels, re-amplified, cloned and sequenced. Eight putative genetic markers were sequenced and their sizes ranged from 63 to 209 bp. The sequences were submitted to dbGSS (database of Genome Sequence Survey); and the BLAST analysis showed low similarity to the function genes, indicating these markers were tightly linked to a disease-resistance trait but were not functional genes. This research was supported by special funds from the National Key Basic Research Program (G1999012007) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program. 2001AA620105).  相似文献   
This pathogenic study shows that the viral diseases of Chinese prawns (Penaeus chinensis. O'sbeck)is due to three kinds of viruses: epithelium envelope baculovirus of Penaeus chinensis (EEBV-PC, de-tected by the authors in 1993), infections hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus, andhepatopancreatic parvo-like virus, and that the first two viruses seem to be the main pathogens of theepidemic in the northern regions in 1993.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONPrawnfarminginChinaisanimportantmaricultureindustrywhoseannualproductionhaseverreachedtomorethan 2 .0× 1 0 5 t,inwhichsemi intensivecultureofChineseprawn (PenaeusorientalisKishinouye)contributedthegreatestpart.Butinrecentyearstheprawncultureindust…  相似文献   
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